
Maybe you’ve just heard about permaculture for the first time. If it’s new to you, welcome to something very exciting! In order to showcase permaculture here at Permaculture Hull, we’ve put together a collection of really inspiring videos for you. They’re not all pure permaculture, but many of the permaculture principles are featured in all of them.

Permaculture originated in Australia in the mid-1970s and has been slowly gaining an faithful following. Now it’s starting to get much more popular and people all around the world are beginning to find out about the fantastic rewards brought about by practising the principles of permaculture. Using them to help transform their surroundings, while caring for the planet and building integrated and resilient ecosystems and communities.  JP

Greening the Desert – Geoff Lawton

Changing the world the permaculture way – David Holmgren

The Chickness of the Chicken – Joel Salatin

Soil Carbon Cowboys

A farm of the future – Rebecca Hosking

David Holmgren on recognising patterns in nature

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David Holmgren talks about the origins of permaculture in the 1970s. Interestingly, he also talks about recognising patterns in nature, and how urban-based people might not see much until they tune in.


Some permaculture people from Norfolk try to define what permaculture actually is.



Co-creator of permaculture, David Holmgren speaks about the positive change that permaculture can make in the world when we change ourselves and set an example for others.

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